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Office: Building No.5 408

Lab: Building No.5 410-411

E-mail: liangfu-chem@mail.ahnu.edu.cn

Prof. Dr. Liang Fu obtained his Bachelor degree in Applied Chemistry in 2009 from Huazhong Agricultural University. In the same year, he began his graduate studies under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Wen-Jing Xiao at Central China Normal University. After receiving his Master degree in Organic Chemistry in 2012, he left China to start his doctoral studies under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Meike Niggemann at RWTH Aachen University in Germany. In 2016, he conducted short-term postdoctoral research in the laboratory of Prof. Dr. Karl Anker Jørgensen at Aarhus University in Denmark. In 2017, he moved to a postdoctoral position with Prof. Dr. Guosheng Liu at Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry (SIOC), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), where his research interest centered on copper-catalyzed radical relay for asymmetric radical transformations (ARTs). In 2021, he started to work independently at Anhui Normal University.

For more information, please visit the Fu group homepage: https://www.x-mol.com/groups/Fu

地址:花津校区-安徽省芜湖市九华南路189号  邮编:241002  电话:0553-3883513  书记/院长信箱


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