| 崔鹏 (Dr. Peng Cui) Email:pcui@ahnu.edu.cn Office:Liqin Building 1139 Lab:Liqin Building 1130,1131,1132 ORCID: 0000-0003-4011-4144
2017.7- Professor, Anhui Normal University
2015.10-2017.2 Postdoctoral Associate, University of Pennsylvania, USA(with Prof. Neil C. Tomson)
2013.10-2015.9 Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Notre Dame, USA(with Prof. Vlad M. Iluc)
2011.10-2013.9 Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellow, RWTH-Aachen University, Germany(with Prof. Jun Okuda)
2005.09-2011.1 Ph.D., Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS, China(with Prof. Yaofeng Chen)
2001.09-2005.8 B.S., Sichuan University, China(with Prof. Meiming Luo)
General Description
杂核金属配合物对于N2, H2, O2等重要小分子的活化转化具有举足轻重的作用。生物体系中固氮酶的FeMo辅因子,光系统Ⅱ中放氧复合物的活性中心Mn4O5Ca,以及[NiFe]氢化酶,都含有两种性质不同的金属离子。在杂金属体系中,由于金属中心性质的差异,对底物进行活化时的模式和作用是不同的:1)通过金属间相互作用调控不同金属中心的电性;2)不同的金属中心对底物进行协同活化;这些传统的单金属以及同核双金属体系中是难以实现的。

Current Interests
Heterobimetallic Rare-earth and transition metal complexes for small molecule activation & catalysis.
Metal-Metal bond chemistry involving Rare-earth metals.
Current Group Members

Group Photos

Scientific Contributions
Publications at AHNU
30. "Rare-earth Metalloligand for Low Valent Cobalt Complexes: Fine Electronic Tuning via Co→RE Dative Interactions." Xiuyan He, Xiaowei Pan, Chunyan Xiong, Yun Zhang, Dongjing Hong, Huayi Fang*, Peng Cui*, Inorg. Chem., 2024, 63, 8155-8162.

29. "A scandium metalloligand supported Ni(0) complex with a heterobimetallocycle: versatile reactivity with unsaturated bonds." Lei Ma, Xiaowei Pan, Dongjing Hong, Huayi Fang*, Peng Cui*, Chem Commun., 2024, 60, 4222-4225.

28. "Tripodal tris(siloxide) ligand supported trivalent rare-earth metal complexes and redox reactivity." Hui Guo, Dongjing Hong, Peng Cui*, Dalton Trans., 2023, 52, 15672-15676

27. "Dinitrogen Complexes of Co(-I) Supported by Rare-earth Metal-Based Metalloligand." Yun Zhang, Xiaowei Pan, Min Xu, Chunyan Xiong, Dongjing Hong, Huayi Fang*, Peng Cui*, Inorg. Chem., 2023, 62, 3836-3846.

26. "Phosphinoamido Ligand Supported Heterobimetallic Rare-Earth Metal-Palladium Complexes: Versatile Structures and Redox Reactivities." Jun Du, Xiuyan He, Dongjing Hong, Shuangliu Zhou, Huayi Fang*, Peng Cui*, Dalton Trans., 2022, 51, 8777-8785.

25. "Three-Coordinate Pd(0) with Rare-earth Metalloligands: Synergetic CO Activation and Double P-C Bond Cleavage-Formation Reactions" Peng Cui*, Changjiang Wu, Jun Du, Gen Luo*, Zeming Huang, Shuangliu Zhou, Inorg. Chem., 2021, 60, 9688-9699.

24. "P-C Bond Cleavage Induced Ni(II) Complexes Bearing Rare-earth Metal-Based Metalloligand and Reactivities Toward Isonitrile, Nitrile and Epoxide" Peng Cui*, Xia Huang, Jun Du, Zeming Huang, Inorg. Chem., 2021, 60, 3249-3258.

23. "Heterobimetallic Pd(0) Complexes with Pd→Ln (Ln = Sc, Y, Yb, Lu) Dative Bonds: Rare-earth Metal Dominated Frustrated Lewis pair-like Reactivity." Jun Du, Yanan Zhang, Zeming Huang, Shuangliu Zhou*, Huayi Fang*, Peng Cui*, Dalton Trans., 2020, 49, 12311–12318.

22. "Heterobimetallic Scandium-Group 10 Metal Complexes with LM→Sc (LM = Ni, Pd, Pt) Dative Bond." Peng Cui*, Chunyan Xiong, Jun Du, Zeming Huang, Sijun Xie, Hua Wang, Shuangliu Zhou, Huayi Fang*, Shaowu Wang*, Dalton Trans., 2020, 49, 124–130.

21. "A Scandium Metalloligand Based Heterobimetallic Pd-Sc Complex: Electronic Tuning Through a Very Short Pd→Sc Dative Bond." Jun Du, Zeming Huang, Yanan Zhang, Shaowu Wang, Shuangliu Zhou*, Huayi Fang*, Peng Cui*, Chem. Eur. J. 2019, 25, 10149–10155.

Publications Before AHNU
20. "Oxidation Reactions of a Nucleophilic Palladium Carbene: Mono and Bi-radical Carbenes." Peng Cui, Melissa R. Hoffbauer, Mariya Vyushkova, Vlad M. Iluc*, Dalton Trans., 2019, 48, 9663-9668.
19. “Ring Size Modulated Reactivity of Putative Dicobalt Bridging Nitrides: C–H Activation vs. Phosphinimide Formation.” Peng Cui, Qiuran Wang, Sam P. McCollom, Brian C. Manor, Patrick J. Carrol, Neil C. Tomson*, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 15979–15983.
18. “Molecular Magnesium Hydrides Supported by an Anionic Triazacyclononane-Type Ligand.” S. Schnitzler, P. Cui, T. P. Spaniol and J. Okuda*, Dalton Trans., 2017, 46, 1761-1765.
17. “Boratabenzene Rare-earth Metal Complexes.” Peng Cui, Yaofeng Chen*, Coord. Chem. Rev. 2016, 314, 2-13.
16. “C-H Activation of Ethers by Pyridine Tethered PCsp3P-type Iridium Complexes” Peng Cui, Dominic C. Babbini, Vlad M. Iluc*, Dalton Trans., 2016, 45, 10007-10016.
15. “Heterobimetallic Pd-K Carbene Complexes via One-Electron Reductions of Palladium Radical Carbenes.” Peng Cui, Melissa R. Hoffbauer, Mariya Vyushkova, Vlad M. Iluc*, Chem. Sci., 2016, 4444-4452.
14. “Redox-Induced Umpolung of Transition Metal Carbenes.” Peng Cui, Vlad M. Iluc*, Chem. Sci., 2015, 6, 7343-7354.
13. “Frustrated Lewis Pair-Like Reactions of Nucleophilic Palladium Carbenes with B(C6F5)3.”Peng Cui, Cezar C. Comanescu, Vlad M. Iluc*, Chem. Commun., 2015, 51. 6206-6209.
12. “An Ion Pair Scandium Hydride Supported by a Dianionic (NNNN)-Type Macrocycle Ligand.”Peng Cui, Thomas P. Spaniol, Laurent Maron*, Jun Okuda*, Chem. Commun., 2014, 50, 424-426.
11. “Dehydrogenation of Amine–Borane Me2NH·BH3 Catalyzed by A Lanthanum Hydride Complex.” Peng Cui, Thomas P. Spaniol, Laurent Maron*, Jun Okuda*, Chem. Eur. J. 2013, 19, 13437-13444.
10. “Heterometallic Potassium Rare–Earth Metal Allyl and Hydrido Complexes Stabilized by A Dianionic (NNNN) Macrocyclic Ancillary Ligand.” Peng Cui, Thomas P. Spaniol, Jun Okuda*, Organometallics,2013, 32, 1176-1182.
9. “Synthesis and Catalytic Activity of Amido-Boratabenzene Complexes of Rare-Earth Metals and Zirconium and Chromium.” Xiufang Wang, Weijie Peng, Peng Cui, Xuebing Leng, Wei Xia, Yaofeng Chen*, Organometallics, 2013, 32, 6166-6169.
8. “Boratatrozircenes: cycloheptatrienyl zirconium boratabenzene sandwich complexes–evaluation of potential η6–η5 hapticity interconversions.” Andreas Gl?ckner, Peng Cui, Yaofeng Chen, Constantin G. Daniliuc, Peter G. Jones and Matthias Tamm*, New. J. Chem. 2012, 36, 1392-1398.
7. “Versatile Reactivities of ansa-Heteroborabenzene Divalent Ytterbium Amide toward Alkali–Metal Salts and the Generation of Heterometallic Ytterbium–Alkali–Metal Boratabenzene Complexes.”Peng Cui, Yaofeng Chen*, Guangyu Li and Wei Xia, Organometallics, 2011, 30, 2012-2017.
6. “Synthesis, and Structure Characterization of Solvent-free Divalent Ytterbium Bis(boratabenzene) and (Cyclopentadienyl)(Boratabenzene) Complexes.” Peng Cui, Yaofeng Chen*, Qiang Zhang, Guangyu Li, Wei Xia, J. Organomet. Chem., 2010, 695, 2713-2719.
5. “Neodymium(ш) phosphinidene complexes supported by pentamethylcyclopentadienyl and hydrotris(pyrazolyl)borate ligands. Peng Cui, Yaofeng Chen*, Maxim V. Borzov, Dalton Trans., 2010, 39, 6886-6890.
4. “An unprecedented lanthanide phosphinidene halide: synthesis, structure and reactivity.” Peng Cui, Yaofeng Chen*, Xin Xu and Jie Sun, Chem. Commun., 2008, 5547-5549.
3. “An ansa-Heteroborabenzene Divalent Lanthanide Amide Through C-H Bond Cleavage.” Peng Cui, Yaofeng Chen*, Guangyu Li and Wei Xia, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2008, 47, 9944-9947.
2. “Divalent Ytterbium Boratabenzene Complex (C5H5BNPh2)2Yb(THF)2: Synthesis, Structure, and Solvent-Mediated Redox Transformation.” Peng Cui, Yaofeng Chen*, Guoping Wang, Guangyu Li and Wei Xia, Organometallics, 2008, 27, 4013-4016.
1. “Boratabenzene Derivatives of Divalent Samarium: Synthesis, Structures and Catalytic Reactivities of (C5H5BXPh2)2Sm(THF)2 (X = N, P).” Peng Cui, Yaofeng Chen*, Xiaohua Zeng, Jie Sun, Guangyu Li and Wei Xia, Orgnometallics, 2007, 26, 6519-6521.
Publications in Books
2. “Scandium Complexes” Peng Cui, Vol. 4, Chapter 2 in “Comprehensive Coordiantion Chemistry III”, Elsevier, 2022.
1. “Pincer-Carbenoid Complexes with Late-transition Metals: Synthesis, Electronic Structure and Reactivity.” Peng Cui, Vlad M. Iluc, Chapter 17 in “Pincer Compounds---Chemistry and Applications”, Elsevier, 2018.
Invites Talks & Lectures
1. “基于电子可调控的大环配体双铁、双钴氮化物化学”,口头报告,第16届江淮有机化学论坛,苏州大学,2018年10月
2. “基于LM-Ln配键的稀土-后过渡金属杂核配合物”,邀请报告,第10届全国无机化学学术会议,山东大学,2019年8月
3. “基于LM-Ln配键的稀土-后过渡金属杂核配合物”,邀请报告,第6届全国稀土金属有机化学讨论会,苏州大学,2019年10月
4.“Exploring the Chemistry of Heterobimetallic Rare-earth/Late-Transition Metal Complexes”,invited talk in "angular momentum" symposia sponsored by Robinson group at Brown University,2022年3月29日
5. “Syntheses and Reactivity of Heterobimetallic Rare-earth/Late-transition Metal Complexes with LM-Ln Dative Bond”,邀请报告,第8届亚洲配位化学会议,台北,2022年8月
6. “稀土-后过渡金属键配合物的合成及反应性研究”,口头报告,第21届全国金属有机化学学术讨论会,安徽工程大学/安徽师范大学,2022年8月
7. “稀土-后过渡金属键配合物的合成及反应性”,口头报告,中国化学会第33届学术年会,青岛,2023年6月
8. “稀土-后过渡金属键配合物的合成与反应性探索”,邀请报告,第十一届全国无机化学学术会议,兰州,2023年8月
9. “稀土-后过渡金属键配合物的合成与反应性探索”,邀请报告,第七届全国稀土金属有机化学学术会议,上海,2023年10月
10. “稀土-钴键配合物的合成与催化氮气硅烷化反应探索”,快闪报告,2023合成化学青年学术交流研讨会,广州,2023年11月
11. “Syntheses and Reactivity of Heterobimetallic Rare-earth/Late-transition Metal Complexes with LM-Ln Dative Bonds”,青年邀请报告,第十四届国际杂原子化学会议,天津,2024年7月
12. “稀土-钴键配合物的合成与催化氮气硅烷化反应探索”,邀请报告,2024空气主份转化化学研讨会,大连,2024年11月
13. “稀土-后过渡金属键配合物的合成及反应性”,邀请报告,2024-广州分子工程+国际峰会,广州,2024年11月